Clip 103
$ 3,99

CLIP 103
There are 2 segments in this clip. The woman in the first segment is in her thirties. She has placed her shoes side by side. She quickly slips out of her shoes and you hear her shoes clacking the floor. She puts her shoes partially on and off and you hear the right shoe hitting the floor again. She crosses her legs at the ankle and one foot pops out of her shoe. She uncrosses her legs and crosses them to the other side. Her foot pops out of her shoe again. She uncrosses her legs and slips out of her shoes for a short time. She puts her shoes back on and you see and hear she slips out of her shoes again for a short time. She puts her shoes back on and slips out of them again clacking the floor. Faceshot included. In the second segment you see the shoes and feet of a business woman. Her legs are the whole time crossed at the ankle. One foot pops out of her shoe and the other foot is completely out of her shoe. She moves her foot above her shoe, touches the shoe with her foot and moves the shoe with her foot a few times. Hairshot from behind.
Category: dipping
Length: 3.51 min.
Size: 128 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 720 x 576
Added: 02/12/2021