Clip 130
$ 8,99

CLIP 130
She is about 30 years old. Her toenails are painted red. Her moves are not hurried. She has placed her feet on top of her shoes. She crosses her legs at the ankle and the shoe slips from her foot to the floor. She grips the shoe between her toes and moves the shoe back and forth and plays with her shoe. She uncrosses and crosses her legs at the ankle several times. When she crossed her right foot over her left ankle her foot only popped out of her shoe so I removed these parts in the clip. When she crossed her left foot over her right ankle the shoe slipped from her foot to the floor and she played with her shoe. This happens several times. Faceshot from the side.
Category: dipping
Length: 9.11 min.
Size: 394 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 720 x 576
Added: 02/25/2021