Clip 142
$ 6,99

CLIP 142
She is in her thirties I guess and sits with her family on a terrace. The edge of her heels is hard. Her legs are crossed at the ankle and the shoe slips from her foot to the ground. She plays with her shoe under the chair and slips out of her other shoe. She crosses her feet. She continues her shoeplay and turns the shoe with her toes. She places her toes on the back of her shoe; her other foot plays with her shoe. She grabs the straps of her shoe between her toes and plays with the shoe. She puts her shoes back on while her legs stay crossed at the ankle. The shoe slips from her foot again and she continues her shoeplay. That action still happens twice and she also slips out of her other shoe. She can't keep her foot still in this clip. Faceshot from the side.
Category: dipping
Length: 6.57 min.
Size: 299 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 720 x 576
Added: 03/05/2021