Clip 147

$ 1,99

SKU: 147 Categories: , , , , , , Tags: ,


Clip 147-2
Clip 147-3
Clip 147-4

CLIP 147


She is in her thirties. Her legs are crossed at the ankle and she rubs her toes against her other foot. She uncrosses her legs and stands one foot on top of the other one. She puts her shoes back on, crosses her legs at the ankle and lets the shoe slip from her foot. Both feet are uplifted from her shoes. She uncrosses her legs and stands one foot on top of the other foot again. She uplifts a few times both shoes with her toes resting on the backs of her shoes. Faceshot from the side.    

                                                                                                                                                   Category:  dipping



Length: 2.14 min.

Size: 112 MB

Format: MP4

Resolution: 720 x 576

Added: 03/08/2021
