Clip 154

$ 3,99

SKU: 154 Categories: , , , , , Tags: ,


Clip 154-2
Clip 154-3
Clip 154-4

CLIP 154


There are 2 segments in this clip. In both segments you see the feet and shoes of middle aged women. Both wear low-heeled pumps and their feet are bare. The woman in the first segment dangles her shoe hard and sometimes slow. She slaps the heel of her shoe against the heel of her foot. Faceshot from the side. The woman in the second segment hard dangles her shoe but never loses control about the shoe. Unfortunately no faceshot.     

                                                                                                                                                   Category:  dipping



Length: 3.54 min.

Size: 217 MB

Format: MP4

Resolution: 720 x 576

Added: 03/11/2021
