Clip 197
$ 4,99

CLIP 197
She is in her twenties and sits in the park and talks on her cell phone. Her legs are crossed. She rotates her foot and curls her toes into her shoe. The heel of her foot pops out of her shoe. She twists and dangles her shoe hard and with intensity till she loses control about her shoe. The shoe falls from her foot to the ground. She quickly puts her shoe back on. She crosses her legs again and starts immediately with twisting and dangling her shoe and lets the shoe fall from her foot to the ground again. Her wild moves happen about 2 minutes. She stops talking on her cell phone and her moves become less intense: she pops the heel of her foot several times in and out of her shoe. Faceshot included.
Category: dipping
Length: 4.47 min.
Size: 417 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 720 x 576
Added: 03/30/2021