Clip 246

$ 4,99

SKU: 246 Categories: , , , , , , Tags: ,


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CLIP 246


It's a hot summer day and she enjoys the sun. She is in her twenties; her red brown hair is in a pony tail. Her legs are crossed. She uses her hand to play with her flip flop. She bends a part of the shoe about 180 degrees with her hand while the shoe still is on her foot. She puts the shoe off and hits with the sole of her shoe against the sole of her foot. She puts the shoe several times on and off with her hand. Then she starts shaking her foot and lets the shoe many times slip to the end of her toes and back again while she shakes her foot. Faceshot from the side.    


Category:  dangling



Length: 4.19 min.

Size: 218 MB

Format: MP4

Resolution: 720 x 576

Added: 04/23/2021
