Clip 353 (720p)
$ 7,99
CLIP 353 (720p)
She is in her thirties and wears moccasins and pantyhose. She is sitting outside and is talking with friends. It's cold outside, but that's no reason for her not to play with her shoes. She likes to play with her shoes in the "crossed ankles position". She puts on her shoes several times, crosses her legs at the ankles and lets the shoe slide from her foot to the ground again. This happens 7 times. Every time she crosses her left leg over her right and lets her shoe slide off her foot so we have a good view of the action. Faceshot included.
Category: dipping
Length: 8.27 min.
Size: 296 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1280 x 720
Added: 02/10/2023