Clip 40
$ 8,99

She is a flight attendant, in her twenties and talks with a colleague in a restaurant at the airport. One stocking has a run on the heel. Her legs are crossed at the ankle. One foot is uplifted from her shoe. The other foot plays with her shoe and moves the shoe back and forth. She turns the shoe on its side several times. She slips her shoes back on and her legs stay crossed at the ankle. The shoe falls from her foot to the floor. She does this several times and continues playing with her shoe. She uncrosses her legs and her heels pop out of her shoes. She crosses her legs at the ankle again (always her left leg crossed over the right one)and again slips the shoe from her foot. You can see her brown hair from behind.
Category: dipping
Length: 9.11 min.
Size: 270 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 720 x 576
Added: 01/18/2021