Clip 62
$ 3,99

Her feet are bare and a bit dirty. She has placed her shoes side by side and her feet are uplifted from her shoes. She has mashed down the back of her shoe with her foot. She crosses her legs at the ankle and her feet are partially out of her shoes. She places her shoes on the floor, crosses her legs at the ankle and her foot slips completely out of her shoe. She moves the shoes with her feet. She shakes her feet and uplifts her foot from her shoe. She uncrosses and crosses her legs at the ankle and the shoe slips from her foot to the floor. You see that a fly lands on the heel of her foot. You can see her long brown hair from behind.
Note: the sound in this clip is bad.
Category: dipping
Length: 3.27 min.
Size: 123 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 720 x 576
Added: 01/26/2021